Primal logo representing raw pet food for dogs and cats (freeze-dried and frozen)

Primal Pet Food

High-quality, fresh pet food starts with the best ingredients. That’s why Primal rigorously selects and sources ingredients from vendors who humanely raise, sustainably grow, and responsibly process all of the proteins, certified organic produce, and unrefined food-based vitamins and minerals in their products.  Primal products are made with fresh, antibiotic- and steroid-free whole muscle meat, organ meat and meaty bones with no added hormones.

Primal does not include any synthetic supplements in their products—only unrefined, food-based nutrients to support immune, circulatory, and digestive health.

Primal Dog Food Freeze Dried Nuggets, Rabbit 14oz

Primal Dog Food Freeze Dried Nuggets, Rabbit 14oz

Primal Pet Foods


Rabbits come with superior protein and fatty acids, which is great for the healthy muscle growth of your dog. Shelf-stable and ready to serve – jus...

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Primal Dog Food Freeze Dried Nuggets, Turkey & Sardine

Primal Dog Food Freeze Dried Nuggets, Turkey & Sardine

Primal Pet Foods

from $13.99

Shelf-stable and ready to serve – just portion, shred, and rehydrate with water, Bone Broth, or Raw Goat Milk. Made with high-quality protein and C...

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from $13.99
Primal Dog Food Freeze-Dried Nuggets, Beef

Primal Dog Food Freeze-Dried Nuggets, Beef

Primal Pet Foods

from $13.99

Shelf-stable and ready to serve – just portion, shred, and rehydrate with water, Bone Broth, or Raw Goat Milk. Made with high-quality protein and C...

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from $13.99
Primal Dog Food Freeze-Dried Nuggets, Chicken

Primal Dog Food Freeze-Dried Nuggets, Chicken

Primal Pet Foods

from $13.99

Shelf-stable and ready to serve – just portion, shred, and rehydrate with water, Bone Broth, or Raw Goat Milk. Made with high-quality protein and...

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from $13.99
Primal Dog Food Freeze-Dried Nuggets, Duck

Primal Dog Food Freeze-Dried Nuggets, Duck

Primal Pet Foods

from $17.99

Shelf-stable and ready to serve – just portion, shred, and rehydrate with water, Bone Broth, or Raw Goat Milk. Made with high-quality protein and C...

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from $17.99
Primal Dog Food Freeze-Dried Nuggets, Lamb

Primal Dog Food Freeze-Dried Nuggets, Lamb

Primal Pet Foods

from $13.99

Shelf-stable and ready to serve – just portion, shred, and rehydrate with water, Bone Broth, or Raw Goat Milk. Made with high-quality protein and...

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from $13.99
Primal Dog Food Freeze-Dried Nuggets, Pork

Primal Dog Food Freeze-Dried Nuggets, Pork

Primal Pet Foods

from $13.99

Shelf-stable and ready to serve – just portion, shred, and rehydrate with water, Bone Broth, or Raw Goat Milk. Made with high-quality protein and C...

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from $13.99
Primal Dog Food Freeze-Dried Nuggets, Venison

Primal Dog Food Freeze-Dried Nuggets, Venison

Primal Pet Foods

from $18.99

Shelf-stable and ready to serve – just portion, shred, and rehydrate with water, Bone Broth, or Raw Goat Milk. Made with high-quality protein and C...

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from $18.99
Primal Kibble in the Raw-Fish and Pork Sold out

Primal Kibble in the Raw - Fish & Pork

Primal Pet Foods

from $26.99

Kibble in the Raw reimagines “kibble” the Primal way so that you can feed your dog the way nature intended. Recipes are crafted with thoughtfully s...

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from $26.99
Sold out

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